Wow...I can't believe that I've just set up my own blog. Creating this blog is part of my assignment for work - does spelling count??
What I hope to learn from this workshop? Well, I'm hoping that it will help me become more familiar with the fast growing technology out there. I also want to be able to understand what the "youth" are actually doing on our computers.
This should be fun and I'm looking foward to really "jazzing" up my blog!
Great first post, Grace. I see you've already mastered images, which gives you a head start on next week's task.
Nice dog! What's in his /her? mouth.
Frances B aka Sheilah O'C.
Grace - pets rock.
Hi - is it yours. She/he is a sweetie. I'll get my daughter to take a picture of our lazy Iris and we can compare the finer points of dog.
Thought that I'd respond to all your posts regarding my cute puppy. His name is Gilly and he is a 4 year old bichon. In his mouth - a rubber bone that squeeks very loudly (espeically at 4am). He is not the ruler of the house, the cats are!
am I in the advanced class?
Hey, Grace:
Looking good! I hope to catch up soon...
For Guy -- Hi -- I can't get in and see your blog. Do you have an address?
I turned down my kids several times for getting a pet dog. Now I need to re-think about it.
Nice blog layout.
Did I tell you I have a blog outside of the 23 Things assignment. Please visit and leave a comment at:
Trish still has "BookLust" at:
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