Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 8

I thought that this was quite funny. You can never go wrong with Mr. Bean!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


At first I thought that this website was good to know but not very interesting. But then the more that I started to explore it, the more I realized how helpful this really could be. The fact that I'm bookmarking sites that I can access on any computer is a great bonus.
Looking forward to using this site more often.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Big Huge Labs

I have to admit...I really enjoyed doing this one! This was way too much fun!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

23 Things Assignment #2

Picture 1 - Hole in the ground is where they new addition of the Bloor Gladstone branch will be. This was taken in June of 2007, so I'm sure that there has been more progress - I hope!

Picture 2 - Gilly is getting his nails done. He's not thrilled - really!
Picture 3 - Helen Flint was both exhausted and sad at the empty shelves in the Teen section. This was taken during our closure.
Thanks to everyone that offered help on setting up my pics! It was tedious but it worked!

Monday, September 17, 2007

23 Things Assignment #1

Wow...I can't believe that I've just set up my own blog. Creating this blog is part of my assignment for work - does spelling count??

What I hope to learn from this workshop? Well, I'm hoping that it will help me become more familiar with the fast growing technology out there. I also want to be able to understand what the "youth" are actually doing on our computers.

This should be fun and I'm looking foward to really "jazzing" up my blog!